Ant & Rennie's Reality Recap Podcast
Various reality programming shenanigans recapped and summed up for your listening pleasure. Sit back and listen as two ladies who've consumed who knows how much red and/or white wine during the show's airing, attempt to recall, recap and add colorful commentary to the reality show du jour. What's your pleasure? Bachelor nation, Big Brother, Real Housewives, Vanderpump? We've got you covered!
Ant & Rennie's Reality Recap Podcast
Red Rose Recap - Bachelor Season 20 - EP2
Lauren and Renita
Hitting their stride in episode two of Bachelor Ben's season, Lauren and Renita are back with ever colorful commentary and definitive opinions of this lovely bunch of maiden hopefuls. Come along for a listen won't you? We'll join our first real week of dates including a trip back to high school, a real life ride along with Kevin Hart and Ice Cube (how terribly crazy is it seeing Cube on the effin Bachelor?), and a date involving a would be doctor love in a fake lab, sniffing the ladies and making out at the Four Seasons. If all of that does not sound undeniably titillating, we also offer psycho-analysis of the crazy and a helpline for our bachelor's pool of ladies and/or podcast listeners.